EU Industry Day, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

European Commission - Upcoming events

Thursday 22 and Friday 23 February: EU Industry Day debates on the "Road to 2030"

The news:

After a first successful edition last year, the EU Industry Day is coming back with an extended edition. On 22 and 23 February, 600 participants, key industrial, finance, research and innovation players as well as high-level EU policymakers will gather in Brussels to take stock of the ambitious strategic approach to industrial policy presented by Commission President Juncker last autumn and debate on the future of European Industry on the "Road to 2030".

The event will allow stakeholders contributing to European industrial competitiveness to showcase their activities, learn from each other, discuss cross-cutting issues and develop joint visions for the future. Stakeholders workshops will be held during the first day and, on the second day of the event, a Clean Energy Industrial Forum will be launched with announcements on batteries, renewable and construction.

Finally, under the 'European Industry Week', many events will take place all around the EU to allow stakeholders to share their visions with EU citizens.

The background:

Europe's industry is strong and has retained a leading position in many sectors in global markets. Industry accounts for two-thirds of the EU's exports and provides jobs for 32 million people, with 1.5 million of these jobs created since 2013. But to maintain and reinforce its competitive advantage, an important modernisation effort is required. That is why industry is at the heart of the Juncker Commission's political priorities. All Commission policies are geared to empower industry to create jobs and boost Europe's competitiveness, foster investment and innovation in clean and digital technologies and defend Europe's regions and workers most affected by industrial change.

The event:

Commission Vice-Presidents Jyrki Katainen (Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness), Maroš Šefčovič (Energy Union) and Commissioners Elżbieta Bieńkowska (Internal Market, Industry, SMEs and Entrepreneurship), Carlos Moedas (Research and Innovation) and Mariya Gabriel (Digital Economy and Society) will participate in the event. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will address the participants with a video message on the morning of the second day.

The event will take place in the Crowne Plaza Hotel and in Covent Garden, where an exhibition will showcase EU initiatives supporting industrial innovation.


Press information only:

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#EUIndustryDay #InvestEU


Press contacts:

Lucia CAUDET (+32 2 295 61 82)

Maud NOYON (+32 2 298 03 79)

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email


Europese Commissie (EC)

Deze instelling van de Europese Unie kan worden beschouwd als het 'dagelijks bestuur' van de EU. De leden van de Europese Commissie worden 'Eurocommissarissen i' genoemd. Elke Eurocommissaris is verantwoordelijk voor één of meerdere beleidsgebieden. Momenteel zijn er 26 Eurocommissarissen. In principe is er voor iedere lidstaat één. Samen vormen zij het college van Eurocommissarissen. De Eurocommissarissen moeten het belang van de Europese Unie als geheel behartigen, niet dat van hun eigen land.

De Europese Commissie mag als enige EU-instelling wetsvoorstellen indienen; zij heeft het zogenaamde recht van initatief. Daarnaast controleert de Commissie of de Europese wetgeving juist wordt toegepast in de lidstaten, onderhandelt zij in internationale organisaties als de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) i over de handel van de Unie met het 'buitenland' en is zij verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de Europese begroting van ongeveer 140 miljard euro per jaar.


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